Introducing Tanjidor - Batavian Music Culture

Posted by resrsr on Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Introducing Tanjidor - One of the tribes who live in Jakarta is betawi tribe. Betawi word comes from the word "Batavia" which is the former name of Jakarta. Betawi tribe was born in 1923 beginning with the establishment Perkoempoelan Kaoem Betawi. This is known because during the colonial era, including the Dutch who diligently conducting a census, but by then the existence of Interest Betawi still not listed in the census. Interest actually turned out to previously existing Betawi, but not yet organized. 

Ondel Ondel Betawi

The Existing of Perkumpulan Betawi

So with his existing Perkoempoelan Kaoem Betawi, recognized the existence of Interest Betawi start. Since then the Arts Orchestra Tanjidor began to expand along with the existence Perkoempoelan Kaoem Betawi. Betawi tribe is a mix of various ethnic groups such as Javanese, Sundanese, Malay, Sumbawa, Ambon and Chinese. The combination is evident in the dielectric and a wide range of arts Betawi Betawi. Betawi arts such as Gambang Kromong, Tambourine, and Tanjidor Keroncong monument. Kromo xylophone is a musical art that is still linked to Chinese tradition while Rebana related to Arab art music. This attachment is shown in the form of music and tone of the instrument by instrument kelurkan the music. Portuguese art is set for the Keroncong monument.
Tanjidor Trumphet

The History of Tanjidor

Tanjidor is One of Indonesia's cultural wealth is owned exclusively ethnic Betawi people are still shades of the Netherlands. But there is also the argument that Portugal Art is the background for the emergence of Tanjidor.Namun if we question when in fact this Tanjidor Art born? So the answer is at the time of colonization Belanda.Ternyata Art Tanjidor born before slavery was abolished in the late 18th century. Tanjidor originally played by Dutch slaves. When the Dutch came to power, its officials have houses scattered around Batavia. So the slaves also was assigned there. In his spare time, slaves were often playing a music in a group.

Tanjidor Orchestra Batavian Music Culture

Tanjidor Orchestra
Tanjidor is the art of music played by a group of people. It is often called Tanjidor Orchestra. Tanjidor orchestra evolved since the 19th century after the rise in Perkoempolan Kaoen Betawi.
Tanjidor consists of piston, trombone, tenor, clarinet, bass, and drums. Piston, tombon, tenor, and bass clarinet is a wind instrument, the alar sendangkan drum percussion. When we went to Jakarta, her special interest in a residential area Betawi, we will find the Betawi wedding ceremony accompanied by the Orchestra Tanjidor.

Tanjidor Performing as Batavian Music Culture

Tanjdor orchestra frequently played folk songs such as barley. In addition to marriage, some events are generally dimeriahan by Orchestra Tanjidor is circumcision, public events such as Indonesia and kemerekaan commemorate the new year both AD and Lunar. In the event Orchestra tanjidor generally around while playing music that is often called ngamen.Ngamen done by walking barefoot.

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